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Threaded Adapters


510 to eGo adapters/connectors for electronic cigarettes or custom vaping devices

The 510 number essentially refers to the size and the threading of the vape device’s connection port. Thank goodness most e-cigs and tanks/rdas are universally 510, so you really don’t need to worry about that too much. In addition, most vape mods have a female connection and the tanks/rdas have the male connection so vape adapter options are rarely necessary. For instance, you would need the 510 adapter if you were using an Eleaf with a Kanger Mini Protank II, as the Kanger Mini Protank II and the Eleaf both have female connections. The beauty ring also helps provide extra protection for devices that work together but may have an exposed connection area that does not fit flush. When this happens, it may help those two vape parts fit together more properly as well as help keep e-liquid from seeping into the connection area of the vaping devices. If you need vape adapter options, shop here or chat our helpful team with any questions you might have!

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