WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. |
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onFor years now, we’ve had reports that smoking cigarettes is bad for one’s health, and second-hand smoke is nearly as concerning. Any kid today can tell you how bad cigarettes are, probably with an implied “duh” in their voice. And yet, for all that this information is so widespread, cigarettes haven’t gone the way of the Dodo. Since the first study announced all of the negative repercussions of smoking cigarettes, an abundance of legislative measures have been taken to urge people to cut back on their smoking habits, Yet, despite the restrictions to advertising, higher taxes, age restrictions, and so on, cigarettes manage to stick around.
Ask most smokers you meet on the street and they’ll tell you cigarettes will kill you—even as they light up. It’s not as if smokers today are ignorant of the negative impacts tobacco cigarettes can have on one’s health—especially not with the warning labels and anti-smoking advertising campaigns that exist today. But if everyone knows that cigarettes are bad, why do so many people still smoke? For some, it’s as simple an explanation of starting young and being unable to quit after decades with the habit. But that’s not the case for everyone. The big question on legislators’ minds in particular is how to prevent the next generation from taking up the habit. But without wholesale making cigarettes illegal, there are likely to always be new people taking up smoking for a wide range of different reasons. Stress, being around others who smoke, an alternative to illegal drugs, even just the simple fact that they can are all reasons that people start smoking and end up with a lifelong addiction. Whatever the case, as long as cigarettes remain legal, there will probably always be a faction that continues the habit despite negative effects, and this is, essentially, how cigarette companies stay in business.
Electronic cigarettes, also called e-cigarettes, e-cigs, and vaping, were originally developed as a potentially healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes. The idea is that, by removing the tobacco from the equation and giving consumers the option of e-juice with nicotine or not, that cigarette smokers could switch over to e-cigarettes then slowly work their way down to a lower nicotine level. E-cigs produce a flavored steam vapor rather than the harmful smoke that comes from burning tobacco, so the theory was that vaping would be less harmful in the long run than cigarettes, and thus, a better alternative. However, this difference has been mostly conjecture because there weren’t any scientific studies to back up the claim.
A new study, released by the Journal of the American Heart Association, details testing done to determine the effects of vaping versus smoking tobacco cigarettes. The overall conclusion, as you probably guessed, is that smokers who switch to e-cigarettes are likely to live longer lives than those who stick to smoking traditional cigarettes. Those of you who made that switch from cigarettes to vaping are likely unsurprised by the study’s findings. However, as much as it feels like one big “no kidding” result, a properly conducted scientific study releasing these results can have some pretty big implications for the future of vaping—in particular, when it comes to regulations and legislation.
Want to learn more about the study and what it means for the vape community? Stay tuned to the Central Vapors blog, where we’ll go more in-depth into the study and its repercussions next time. If you’re ready to make the switch from tobacco products to vaping, we’re here to be a great resource for you. Shop our online store for beginner vape kits, e-juice, and more or contact our helpful team for advice on how to get started!