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What is a Box Mod Vaporizer?

Posted by Courtney McElligott on

What is a box Mod Vaporizer

9 million adults in the United States vape regularly.

It's estimated that in Europe, the number of people who regularly vape will rise to 55 million by 2021.

If you're interested in trying out vaping as an alternative to cigarettes, you might have a lot of different questions. You may even be wondering what type of vape you should buy.

Why people are vaping in the first place?

Before we talk about Box Mods, lets understand why people are vaping in the first place, because these box mods look much more difficult to use than simply smoking a cigarette? Ok while that might be your first thought, or maybe even true initially, however most people quickly fell totally comfortable within a few days of getting used to it and it becomes just as natural; or just as inconvenient as holding a cigarette as you had been used to. So here's the main reasons why the vast majority of smokers turn to Vaping over any other means of quitting tobacco.

Why do People Vape

Okay, What is a Box Mod?

A popular type of vape is a box mod. But what is a box mod? In this article, we'll go over exactly what a box mod is and how you use it.

You've probably seen several different types of vapes, even if you aren't a regular user.

One you've probably seen is the type of vape that looks a little bit like a box. That's a box mod.

But what does it do?

Well, a box mod is different from other vapes in a variety of ways. Let's examine some of its features below.

What is a Box Mod Made Of?

A box mod looks like a little box with a place on the top for your tank to connect, just as any other device. It will often have a button that you press to start the vaping process, typically called the "fire button".

Inside of a box mod is a battery, which is used to heat up the coil. Most high wattage box mods will need 1-2 batteries to function. They will be inserted into the box mod. Some of the lower wattage box mods will have internal batteries that are just charged via a cable. 

Why Do People Love Box Mods? It Has Adjustable Wattage and Power

The world of vaping is much different than cigarettes. With your cigarette, you simply light up and take your hit. But with a vape, there's a whole technological element to it.

A box mod allows you to control the wattage or the amount of power the battery gives to the atomizer. The higher the wattage, the more intense you'll experience your vape. And the throat hit will be almost instant with a much higher watt.

This is partially why many people love their box mod. Usually the box mods, specifically because of their size, will have large screens. The bigger the device typically the larger the screen will be, and usually has many more features and functions than a smaller device. 

They Allow You to Sub-ohm Vape

This kind of vaping gives you greater control over the vapor and can give you a much more intense flavor. 

Sub ohm vaping is essentially referring to you being able to use a tank that is compatible with a coil lower than 1.0 ohms. The lower the ohm, the higher wattage that it's suited for. So sub ohm vaping is typically at higher wattages and is just a different experience than the lower wattage vaping. 

Sub-ohm vaping, however, can be controversial, as those who do it always take direct lung hits. However, often, users will smoke a lower amount of nicotine than they would with another type of vape.

A Box Mod Helps You Regulate the Temperature of Your Hit

Box mods allow you to regulate the temperature of your vape hit. This means that you can decide the exact level of the hit so that it will never be too hot or too dry. For many people, this is one of the reasons they prefer box mods. Not all box mods have temperature control, but many do. So if this feature sounds interesting you, just double check the device mentions temp control. 

Is a Box Mod For Me?

We hope this article helped clear up the question of "What is a box mod?"

But is a box mod for you?

To be honest, most people who vape do like to use a box mod due to its high degree of customizability.

We suggest that you try a box mod at least one time on your vaping journey. Most people who vape find that they end up preferring it compared to the stick devices due to their many features, durability, and battery life.

Ready to buy a box mod? Check out our selection here.

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