WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

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Central Vapors' selection of vapor tanks and high performance sub ohm tanks supercharge and greatly enhanceing your favorite eliquid flavors.

For vapors, The tank is arguably the most important factor to consider for many reasons. Each tank takes a specific coil which will determine the wattage you use the device at, and how good the ejuice will taste when you actually vape. Some tanks are simple fill and go tanks, some require you take the tank apart to fill and some require you drip additional liquid on the cotton and coils every few hits.


Not sure which tank to Choose?

Check out the All in One kits, they include a tank, device and spare parts ready to use right out of the box. Already have a vape device?  Great, Just grab your self one of these tanks sold separatetly. Sub ohm tanks are by far the most popular, meaning that the tank will accept coils that are below .1 ohm. Sub Ohm tanks typically take coils that are rated for somewhere around and over 20W all the way up to 200W. You will want to make sure and select a tank that has coils that are compatible with your devices current wattage range.

Whatever your preference or vape style is, we have something to suit it. Got questions about sub ohm tanks or RDAs? The Central Vapors team has answers and we love talking to our customers;  contact us anytime by phone or email so we can help you find the right vape tanks and parts for your vape device.

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