WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

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Wick, Wire & Tools


Wick Wire and RDA/RBA Building Tools

If you have an RDA rebuildable ecig tank, chances are you’ll be in this category a lot! You will see the vape parts and products you may need for building on an RDA here. At Central Vapors, we’re always looking for the best vape products, so we’re constantly adding new and unique vaping products as the market diversifies and advances. Whether you enjoy the advanced vaping aspect and build your own coils from spools like our Vapor Tech Kanthal Wire, or if you’re looking to do quick builds and want the pre-built coils, We have a multitude of options for the advanced drippers!

We love you, and we take your safety very seriously, so please do your research before building coils and using RDAs in general. RDAs and building tools are meant for advanced electronic cigarette users only. You can learn more from the VAPE 101 section in our FAQ or talk to our knowledgeable team for advice and assistance with finding the right vape accessories for rebuilding your vape tank. With the proper knowledge, you will be able to work with these products in a safe way and you can start the dripping journey successfully! If you’ve got the knowledge, grab your vape parts here!

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